With all the market activity and volatility, it’s been difficult to get color out on the pools we’re marketing. Year to date, we’ve marketed 476 unique pools for $8.7BB. Below is color on 216 of those pools for ~$3.9BB. If you bid and are looking for more detailed color, please call. If you didn’t bid and are just receiving free color, you’re welcome.
Sellers as you can see below, we’ve been very active across all product sectors as well as CRA trading and arranging specialty programs for investment partners.
Thank you all. We appreciate your business.
6 EBO pools for roughly $1.5BB – most traded above par plus all advances
22 Non QM pools for $1.2BB – 11 were DSCR, 11 were consumer
173 Scratch & Dent (S&D) pools for $422mm
2 Non-performing pools for $8mm traded L/M90s
4 Prime Jumbo pools for $528mm
1 Agency Eligible investor loan pool for $180mm
8 assorted pools for $118mm